Yep, twice this year alone. Total of 24 days!...
Just started Imuran and noticed a change in colour of urine. Its fluorescent yellow-green! Has anyone else experienced something like this?...
Does anyone take Salofalk supp and Remicade infusions? When I started Remicade, discontinued Salofalk supp and now having rectum inflammation that Salofalk used to clear up. Want to start supp again,...
Currently not taking any other meds. Tapered of Prednisone and will never do steroids again. Landed me back in ER with phych side effects. Most bms are first 3 hours after waking then cramps and...
Diagnosed 3 months ago, 16 days in hospital and dr put me on remicade. Just had an infusion and still not feeling good. Any tips on keeping spirits up and trying to cope with life?...
initial scope as part of physical and family history....
I was originally diagnosed after taking Naproxen and Tramacet for 2 months for sciatica. Could these medications make that kind of damage to my guts when a colonoscopy 2 months before beginning them...
I keep telling my employer that I will be returning on such and such a date and then end up telling him I can't get there because of one issue or another....
Does stress make uc symptoms worse then food choices would?...
I haven't. I started out with Salofalk 1000mg supp. Then went to hosp for 16 days to try and control inflammation which was off charts. Dose of Remicade and rescue dose before discharge. 3rd dose 3...
is there something that can be added to the Remicade to help with symptoms other than steroids ( I can't tolerate them at all) side effects landed me in ER. I'm meeting with GI doc in July and want...
I'm getting my first infusion next week after the first 3 loading doses. Other than that, I'm on no other meds, yet....
Anyone else taking Remicade find that the medication works well but usually only for about 5 weeks before symptoms return....