I never said leftsided was the worst one. I said it is one of the worst forms. Learn to read, dmc.. It is second worst to pancolitis, which is the entire bowel....
I have leftsided colitis too. I've was diagnosed about four years ago, and have spent half that time ill. That being said, I could have tried a lot harder on diets, and vitamins. I also had a lot of...
Thanks pb4, I will look into that. That is the first I heard of it. I may have a chance. I started working when I was twelve, and became ill when I was twenty-one, so maybe I'll qualify. As far as...
Yeah, I'll consider surgery in the future. I want to try a few things first. I talked to the doctor today, and he said he will get me on aish. That is a huge relief. In going to change my diet, and...
Gary, I tried very hard to live a normal life. I went back to college and ended up flaring up. I fell so far behind because of how ill I was that I ended up dropping the course. I didn't give up...
I've tried hycorte enimas. They have worked in the past. This time around they didn't work. The doctor also have me something else. I forget what it is called. I was taking it, and started throwing...
A lot of my moods lately are because of the prednisone. It's crazy how it changes your moods. It makes me very pessimistic, hence why I see the worst in everything while I am on it. It's not...
I kind of feel guilty readying all your replied. I was feeling pretty low last night. I'm in a lot of pain writing this. If I lay just right, then I can decrease the pain for a while! Someone...
I'm on prednisone. If I can get on a disabilty, that will be my backbone to getting better. I could finally focus on a good diet, and have the stability to do so. This prednisone is making me go...
I've tried the talk thing with my closest family members or friends. They don't show much interest. I ended up in a psych ward because of my mom. That really helped. Tey really attacked the issue...
I know that no one will probably reply to this, which is fine. ********************************************************** I did read you post and I am sorry things are so tough for you right now. I...
I am from Alberta, Canada. I was working in fort mcmurray when I first started flaring up. I read that the highest rate of diagnoses is in that general area in Canada. Later I. A read about how a...
I don't want to come here and come off as depressing, even though that is always my case. I've been sick with colitis for four years now. I have leftsided colitis, and have spent most of the four...