Thanks! No period, and it was just that day and I'm fine so I'm thinking maybe something I ate or maybe I pushed a little harder......
I was DX Sept 26, 2013 with UC while I was in a flare. I started Aspiro 4 in the morning and a Rowesa enema every night. I have had no blood, no mucus, no urgency, and went from 8-10 BM's a day to...
Thank you so much! I was just diagnosed on Sept 26 and confirmed yesterday. I came in with rectal bleeding for 5 weeks, bloody diarreha, urgency, BM 8-10 times a day started meds on the 26th and now...
Does anyone know What happens to a Rowesa enema? I administer one every night and retain it till morning but it never comes back out so where does it go????...
Thanks for the advice ipoop! Last night I was able to do 3/4 of the bottle for 4 1/2 hrs a lot better then 30 mins. Gonna try for the whole bottle tonight...
I was just diagnosed with UC proctitis (sp) and was started on Apriso ER 4 in the morning and a Rowasa enema every night at bed. I used my first one last night but could only retain it for about 40...