I just got out of the hospital yesterday after a week and a half stay there. It was the second time in a row after I’d been there for a week, then released, then collapsed and had to be readmitted...
Thanks for the tip Guardian, I’ll look the article over. I wouldn’t really define the chocolate thing as a craving, it’s more like it’s one of the few substance that I know I’ll be able to eat (or at...
Thanks for your replies. A couple of weeks ago I talked to my general doctor and he gave me antibiotics (his assumption was that my stomach lining got somehow eroded because of the Imuran and I might...
Hi, Sorry for not having posted anything in a while (I thought everything was “fine” now) and also sorry in advance if some of the following descriptions are going to be somewhat gross… I’ve been...
Thanks for the reply StealthGuardian. I've tried taking different meds for maintenance that did nothing for me and mostly had bad side effects. I do take asacol but I really don't know if it's...
Thanks for the replies… that was kind of what I figured about the imuran (I didn't realize it took weeks to start working though…). I'm not entirely over the bronchitis at all and still have fever...
Last month I started taking imuran (aka azathioprine, a kind of immunosuppressant) and after about 2-3 weeks on it I still had a nasty flare-up. I then took 40 mg of prednisone for about a week and...
Thanks for the support DMC :). I saw my GP this afternoon and he recommended I go back on 40 mg of the Prednisone and he also gave me an injection of some kind of steroid (I don't remember the name...
Hi, I'm new here and decided to sign up because the UC is finally freaking me out. I've had it for 2.5 years and had 3 hospital stays during that time but somehow it's only starting to really get to...