Sorry. The doctor told me I had UC but when I asked more questions and reviewed my records it said it was inconclusive. Then when I looked up symptoms of each I fit more with non-IBD? If you don't...
The doctor said the biopsy results couldn't determine if it was IBD colitis vs. non-IBD colitis. So I'm not sure if it's ulcerative or not? It started after a dose of antibiotics. I do know I did not...
Thank you :) atleast I know I'm getting better. I was thinking of stopping the uceris now and seeing what happens, instead of staying on it, and everything else, for 4 more weeks. What do you think?...
Thank you. Have you ever tried Uceris? Everything I have read says it doesnt work so I was hoping it was all the other things I'm doing that are working. I have heard of wonderful sucess stories and...
No, the doctor recommended Uceris, which I am taking, and steroids, which I did not want to take. Taking alot of natural anti-inflammatories which will do the same thing as synthetic steroids...
Hi :) I was diagnosed with UC about a month ago. No pain or nausea, just a frequent urge to go, LOTS of blood, and lots of diarrhea. I was against the typical medicine so I started the SCD diet 4...