Sulfasalazine 4/day put me in remission for 25 years. I finally got adverse reactions to it (eosinophilia), so had to stop it. Now jumping from one biological to the other. Entyvio worked pretty well...
Sulfa kept me in remission for 25 years. No libido, or other issues....
After 25 years of bliss-full sulfa that kept me very long in remission, I eventually became allergic to it. Blood test revealed a "never seen" increase of eosinophils (a type of white cells)....
Hey Ewa, Very high eos long term can in fact be a problem, or can mean there is an underlying problem, but it can also be harmless. I was trying to say that in my case it was caused by a medication...
Hey Ewa, After 25 years on Sulfasalazine/Salazopirine for my UC (in remission) I started developing Eosinophilia. My values were so high my GI actually freaked out. When the eos were at their highest...