Thanks so much for sharing your experience and details. Personal stories like yours really help give me hope. I know we are all different but hope helps :-) It's so great that it helped you both the...
thank you very much kiptyn. we definitely will start gradually. that's what we've done with everything (except pharmaceuticals - he wasn't given a choice about that :) Do you mind me asking how long...
He has been taking about 30,000 cfu's a day of probiotics. Perhaps we should increase the dose. I take 40,000 personally and notice a difference (I have undiagnosed GI issues). Money is a tricky...
Thank you for such a fast reply. I appreciate knowing that others have tried such high doses. Yes, there's no knowing if it will make any difference but definitely worth a try. Sometimes the only way...
Hi, I'm new here but I've been reading on the forum for a few weeks. I am so grateful this forum is here! Thank you all for so many informative posts. I'm posting for my partner who is newly...