I have Pancolitis and I'm sixteen and I've been on a strict diet set by my naturopath and i'm also on 40mgs of prednisone and Imuran But i won't stop flaring and its getting life threatening and My...
So I'm young and new at this anal bleeding death destruction disease and I'm finally in remission but i can't keep down any food, im puking uip green yum fluid and bleeding out of my anus hole slot...
Sorry about the typo at the bottom...
[b]so to make this short I got diagnosed with pancolitis last December and my liver enzymes were messed up at the time and now I'm hearing i might have a liver disease and i have a suspicion that it...
ello im getting really bad joint pain in my neck, lower arm and knee and i was wondering what it was.. HALP ----------------------------- Diagnosed with pancolitis December 23 2014 Currently on 80...
:nono: So I was on Prednisone 40mg for awhile and it wasn't taking down my pancolitis symptoms so they're doubling my dosage to 80mg for 4 weeks and i was wondering how much weight will i gain and i...
Hey, Its always good to hear that, But isn't it worrying though like the j pouch and stuff is pretty worrying and the symptoms and side effects especially in school but i hope we get through the...
Okay Thanks for dem infos bruh...
Hey I have been having weird pain. I have just been diagnosed with Pancolitis mild to moderate and im currently on prenisone 20mg and i have been having weird intense pain where i have sharp intense...
Thanks you for the info. I just got my imuran and things are looking good. Thanks again...
hehe listening to Help from the Beatles IRONIC HAHAHAHAHA I shoudn't be here But all i wanna say is When something bad happens you have three choices U can either let it define you Let it destroy you...
So i recently posted but i might have messed up so im gonna try again. Around Christmas time I started getting blood in the stool so i went to the hospital... They did a finger up bad area exam ;(...
Did i do thinger wrong or just being a nugget...
Well i'm fourteen I just got diagnosed with Pancolitis mild to moderate and everything i have researched has put a lot of stress on me and i was hoping someone could shed some light on my current...