@imagardener - thanks for your inputs. I do take 95% curcumin 4gr a day, unfortunately they has not change much but probably may be more effective when colon is healthy. One thing I fail to...
Thanks quincy. Sure. I'm using 5ASA enema/supp/pills forms on a daily base in between steroid enemas. To be honest - they hardly effective, but I'll take them anyway. 5ASA per day: (1) Enema 1g (at...
Hi Folks, Unfortunately, I'm flaring for the second time (since DXed) for a couple of months now, +5 BM/day with rectal bleeding, urgency... Yesterday I had endoscopy test which confirmed rectal...
Just wondering if anyone know personally a GI, DX with UC, trying to work his way to a magic bullet pill (I'm to afraid to say cure)......
garylouisville - I tend to disagree. After I'm back eating I see no symptoms for a few days and I poop 2-3 times a day. It seems that sores have a better chance to heal since nothing pass through. It...
I'm confused. I've been abstinence from (any) food (including drinks and water) for about 2 days which caused my bleeding to stop. This, by itself, doesn't fit with the outlined theory immune system...
Hi everyone, Hope you'll have the time to read it all - I've been managed to treat my first (and only) stubborn flare with FTs that put me in remission (I mean IMMEDIATE remission) six months ago, no...
Pretty impressed work by Pravda - thanks OM. I must admit the neoplastic transformation section was disappointing: "Patients with UC have an incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) which is up to 20...
Hi - I recently started to worry as I saw some research that put those who consuming high dosage of supplements in higher risk of developing cancer. it came across my mind that I'm consuming 2 heap...
Just got into this thread and started to worry - it came across my mind that I'm consuming 2 heap spoons of L-Glutomine (morning & eve) which I must admit showed some great results after few weeks...
Rbartolo - I prepare and administer FT by my self. The inflammation in my particular case are in the rectum end so using enema may be efficient....
Here is the reply I got from "powerofpoop": The gut wall needs to heal sufficiently to colonise new microbiota. Clearly yours still has a way to go. There may also be genetic factors that stop it...
I must admit this really disappointing. There is an unknown "gap" between those who succeeded and those in remission....
That's a good start point. Thanks for that....
Hi all, I'm 35 YO, been diagnosed with Proctitis 20 months ago. I've (nicely) managed going on remission while taking 12 days course of FMT, I kept administrating once a week for 6 weeks more. I've...
I had not expected so much responses for that short (good...). I read lots of threads @ this forum, the question if FT or a manipulation of FT with or without traditional meds would conquer UC is...
Hi all - I'm 35 YO, diagnosed with UC (Proctitis for accuracy, 15 cm from the anus) 20 month ago. I've been initially treated with 5ASA that partially helped then been asked to combine steroids...