Hi All of you, The trip to Rome - for information on FMT THE Gastro specialist had an overall view on my daughter's tests. Her colon has improved a lot since her forst colonscopy in Nov 2013. he says...
[quote="DBwithUC"]an ulcer on the ilium sounds like Croh I hope whatever you try works. There is very little evidence that a single (or just a few) FMT treatments can treat uc or cd for more than a...
Hi Garylouisville, ewafromwarsaw, dbwithuc, thanks for yr replies. you see, My daughter has ulcerative PAN colitis since 2013. in December 2014 she had a severe flareup where the bleeding 20 times...
hI EVERYONE, Hope and wish all of you o enjoy this weekend.... we are very excited... we will be travelling My daughter's appointment in Rome is on Tuesday, to see a specialist to discuss FMT, after...
Hi Mat218, many of our problems, can lead us to all sorts of mental states. I am usually a very positive and a sunny person, but there are times , specially when things dont work the way we want them...
Hi Toussa, It is nice to feel my empathy, but dont over do it, I also get my stomoch go rolling and sad when i see hungry children, people, old people illtreated... ect. If this makes you too upset...
Hi, I do have this horrible sensation of closing of the throat, but i have diebeties, I wonder if it is the medicines as i am taking many more as painkillers for other ailments. I advice you to...
DEAR SURM 1234 I am so sorry for what you are going through, I wont be able to help you with experience, but I want say please dont give up, take the stregnth of all who give you courage and our...
Hi Tidalmouse, Alcie, Sisterpam, Straydog ( love it), Taller now Buongiorno to all of you, It was so nice to wake up to find that someone had taken the trouble to care for you, appreciate your...
Hi everybody, I am 52 years old. I underwent sugery one week ago, every thing seem to be well, y'day I was seated for couple of hours to work on computer, then first time after surgery I had a warm...
After getting to know about FMT , i am in contact with the only hospital in Rome where they practice this method. to treat ulcerative pan colitis for a girl of 22 years - I would like to know, if it...
Hi sweety3, Bloom93, BV, Thanks alot, yes I am very much interested in FMT, and looking for all the info. will eliminate gluten. it is a releif to know wthout going in to colectomy there are other...
Thank you Elephantpipe, she is on Mesalazena 1200 mg tablets x3, rectal foam asacol. deltacortene. now our fear is, the miniute she gets a flu she got the flareup, if she gets immunesupressant drug,...
Hi Sweety5, guardian7, Ipoop, Thank you all, so much for your replies, it is very supportive and feel good that i am not alone. I went through powerofpoop, and had a look at FMT totaly new to me....
hI , READ YOUR POSTS, my 22 yr old daughter started ul pancolitis (extended to whole colon) in oct 2013, with a 10 day flareup, controlled with Mezalasena 1200mg x3. even in remission she continued...
Hi Everybody, I am a mother of a 22 year old girl who is affected by ulerative pan colitis at the age of 20. she had 3 major flareup, the lastone in dicember 2014, the bleading of 20 motions a day...