Thanks for your replies everyone! Vitamin D is not toxic if it is used properly - it is calcium that becomes toxic, causing hypercalcaemia and potential damage the kidneys. For this reason, Dr....
Has anybody had success with Vitamin D in controlling their colitis? Dr. Cicero Coimbra uses high doses of Vitamin D to control autoimmune disorders - his success rate is very impressive. Would be...
I am looking at taking one/both of these products. Has anybody seen success with them? any brands/dosages that you would recommend too? Thanks!... This article suggests that diet is a major driver in gut microbiome. What are peoples thoughts...
Which drugs are expected to hit the market as treatment options for UC this year (if approved)? and which future drugs currently in trials are you guys most excited about? Appreciate your thoughts!...
The following article states Infliximab treatment to be suitable for those with the IBD12 gene long-term. I am wondering whether medical practitioners are able to identify individuals that contain...