All of bnotafraids advice is really good. Try keeping a journal of everything you eat and drink and your headaches and pain. They're called migraine journals. That's how I figured out my triggers...
I've been taking amitriptyline on and off for 3 years. I take 25 mg a night now. Initially I didn't like the side effects and I thought it was causing me to gain weight. That was my least favorite...
You should also take fish oil daily, that helps with constipation as well and has tons of other positive health benefits. Fish and magnesium are your friend. Also I read online the adult daily dose...
You should definitely take magnesium daily. Preferably Elemental because it's more easily absorbed and my doctor told me it can cross the blood brain barrier. Basically it'll work faster. Magnesium...
I agree, fasting is crazy hard but so worth it if you've got a flare up going on....
Here's a good article going over some different treatment options including diet. "The "World Journal of Gastroenterology" study...
I agree with Dikid, it can really help your digestive system recover if you go on a liquid diet. Some G.I. doctors will recommend it too after a flare up. One option is the elemental diet. It's...