Spent the last three weeks following Dr's instructions, increased natural fiber (fruit and vegetables), down to one cup of coffee every two days (the milk in the coffee is my only dairy) because I...
I don't know if its a good thing to be able to view your blood test results on-line or not. Earlier this year when I first went to the GI for problems with diarrhea he did a CBC and some stool tests....
I don't have a copy but I remember the Dr. telling me I have a patch of inflammation on the left, center and right of the colon....
Thank you all for your input. I'll continue watching what I eat and hoping for the best....
He uses the term ulcerative colitis. My symptoms are not chronic as I've described above, I'm just not able to produce a formed stool....
Dr. said it was colitis, that I had inflammation in three separate pockets of the colon....
I had a routine colonoscopy shortly after I turned 50 (2011) and was told I had inflammation in the colon. The dr. wanted to put me on medication but having no symptoms at all, I declined. Late last...