Hey, since I was around 14-15 I've been on prednisolone almost all the time I'm now 22 and after failed attempts of every medicine in the book for UC I opted for a stoma. I've not been growing...
I'm recently coming from 2 flareups one last summer and one during the christmas period. I changed my medication from humira to remicade when the cortisol and humira didn't seem to help in November...
Ok! Too bad I got Pancreatitis from Imurel. My cousin is only using remicade and his stomach seems ok, so I hope it will do the same to me....
So I recently moved to a new city and got in contact with a new doctor. My Humira which I've taken now for 2 years doesn't seem to have an effect anymore, I had a small remission for 1 year for 2...
Alright! The first time I was on predisolone I had to take it for 4 years straight so I figure my adrenal gland is abit on the down side. Another thing which I've though of is, if your constantly...
I'm currently tapering down on predisolone and I'm on a 5 mg dose. It seems really small compared to the dosages which I come from, how much does 5 mg really influence the body? doesn't the adrenal...
I currently take Humira, and it doesn't seem to work. My mother talked to my doctor at the hospital (she works there) and he talked about giving me some other alternatives for humira (not remicade)...