Congrats on getting off pred, this is my fourth cycle of pred and honestly hate this stuff! From what I have learned the longer you're on it, the more time it takes to see the effects reverse on...
Hey iPoop sorry for the delay I have been hospitalized since last Friday. You're correct it is still in Phase 3 of the clinical trials the entrolizumab so not too much out there on how its helped....
Pred. has really messed up with my body but it does help with the inflammation. Think I would agree that the fatigue may be due to UC symptoms, have you had a Vit. b12 shot or the oral supplement the...
I thought I have been, I have been having a lot of coconut water, regular water, cranberry juice. Haven't had my Vitamin b12 checked since late June. I will be heading to doc's later this afternoon,...
Thank you for all your replies. Just an update, I have stopped the Iron supplements and the stools have gone back from the black to a reddish colour. I have booked an appointment with my GI to see...
Hello, Yesterday I had a colonoscopy done, previous to that I was heavily passing watery blood stools. However, from yesterday night the colour has changed from Red --> a Tarry black colour. I am...