Thank you everyone for your replies !! I have hope that it will slowly fall out as I get off of the Devils Tic Tac (my little nickname for prednisone) ah I just HATE this stuff. It's terrible :(...
I am on humira and imuran now :) and slowly tapering off of the prednisone. My body doesn't respond to any other medication besides prednisone unfortunately :( but luckily it's done well with the...
Ok I've been on prednisone since July 25! And I've grown a blonde mustache, chin hairs, dark side burns, and pretty much just weird peach fuzz all over my face!!!:( I'm 19 and it's SO embarrassing!...
Hey guys! I'm new here so I apologize if I do this wrong :( but anyway a quick little about me, I'm 19 and been on prednisone for universal ulcerative colitis since JULY 2015. Well after trying...