Thankyou so much for the replies, I hope it goes away soon because now I'm so self conscious about my self :(...
Yeah maybe thankyou so much for all the replies!!!! :)...
I have been off predsione for 3 days And my face has not gone back to normal my face looks swollen in my cheeks. How long till your moonface went away and did you do anything to speed it up??? I look...
I was on 5mg for 2 weeks and then I stopped it completely on Sunday, I have no energy at all and not feeling myself again...
When did you feel like yourself again ??? Did you feel like you coudent hold a conversation or not feeling like talking ?????...
It's really scary being like this because I don't feel like talking or being around people and I have school next week and I don't feel like going to see anybody ππ I don't know what to do anymore...
While I was on it was on it I was terrible and felt the exact same as you, but when I got a a lower dose like 10 I started feeling like myself and then now that I'm off it I feel terrible again in my...
So i had finally felt like my old self again where I had lots of energy, smiling all the time and woudent stop talking and I kept on worrying that all the negative thoughts would come crawling back....
Thanks for the replies everyone!! It's good to know I'm not alone and I'm not the only one feeling this way. I made a signature now thanks justud for telling me about it. I hope I can feel like...
Hey Disneygirl12 thanks for the reply at least we know that we're not alone, what does your depression feel like ??...
Thanks so much for the replies, my specialist knows that I'm not coping mentally...
I was finally coming off predsione and was down to 5mg when some symptoms of my ulcerative coltic were coming back so the specialist put me back to 20mg for a couple days. But I always everyday don't...
Thanks so much for the replies it's really great to hear what is happening to everyone else and I'm not the only one feeling like this...
Thankyou so much for the replies I really hope I feel like my self more soon it really feels like I'm permanently like this because I can't remember how to be like my told self :(...
I always let them know how thankful I am for their help and that I really appreciate all they do for me!! I love getting replies from people it really puts a smile on my face thanks so much for...
Thanks for the reply, yes I have a very supportive family that has helped me every step of the way which has really helped!...
I have been on it for 5 months and I'm tapering off it at the moment and I'm finally down to 5mg. I'm also on imuran, pentasa and an enema...
Thanks for the reply yeah the emotions are very hard to control with everything going on...
Really happier! Did you feel the exact same as I do with not feeling like talking and not feeling like yourself ??...
I was always the happy and the one that would laugh about everything but that changed and it seems like people see me differently now and don't want to be around me because I'm different in...
Thanks for the replies I hope this side effect goes away soon :(...
Thanks :)...
Thankyou so much for your replies, yeah I hope once I get off this medication I can feel like myself once again!!...
Omg Thankyou so much for your amazing words it really means a lot that people are reading my messages and are giving the time to write me something!! Yes this website is really great to let your...
Hi everyone I'm 15 and was only diagnosed this year, it's so weird because before all of this I had no clue what even was ulcerative difficult only being 15 and having this stupid diease...
When I had cdiff for my ulcerative Coltic I was put into hospital because all my medications were going through me so they put me on a Uv drip that helped so much...
Does anyone else get brain fog while taking prednisone where they can't think straight or concentrate on anything. I feel like I can't keep a postive mind and can't follow a conversation so I don't...
I'm currently on prednisone and Imuran and pentasa how does your medication make you feel. Does anyone have any side effects of them like mentally...
hi everyone I'm not sure if the prednisone is causing me to have brain fog where I don't feel my self anymore. I can't think straight and cannot concentrate anymore. I feel like I can't put together...