Hi, How long do I/should I wait to see if a flare is ending or is just a low-simmering-flare? Symptoms: -going 1-3 times a day -formed stool -some urgency, but not SUPER urgent -a bit of blood every...
Hi, Another beginner question. I have noticed that on night I use my enema (salofalk) the following morning my first bm of the day is usually diarrhea. I usually have one or two more that are most...
Hi GMSAF I am so sorry to hear about your flare. I don't have much advice as I am new to this and have been pretty lucky lately, but I can empathise with your situation as I also had a post partum...
Hi, I know this is from a long time ago, just wanted to double check. I have been using salofalk enemas for a month or two now and today was the first time I experienced what seemed to be very dark...
Hi again, A suppository question. Ideally my GI would like me to do both a suppository (salofalk) and enema a day. I understand the enema should be at night so it can stay in and work magic while I...
Just a mini-frustrated rant, (and, to be fair, and appease fate/gods/whoever, I do know that I am lucky in that I seem to be quite mild, I live in a major Canadian city with great, free healthcare at...
Hi, I had my follow up today, and it was overall pretty good. It was rushed (due to me, not the doctor), so I forgot to ask a few key questions. But based on my sigmoidscopy he said: -mild...
I have not tried it, however, when I was seeing a holistic nutritionist to help me deal with my UC flare, part of the protocol she suggested involved taking diatomaceous earth. At the time I was...
Hi all, I am trying to make myself a handy table where I can compare all my blood test results over the last number of visits/years. I want to make a table that has the main ones I should be watching...
Good point. With that in mind, what should I ask with my follow up? Should I ask how far the inflammation goes? If there are ulcers? Results from the biopsy? Thanks!...
"Most people with UC are able to manage it very well with medication and do not have constant flare ups." I have heard this. That 1/3 of people have it very mildly, 1/3 a little more severe and 1/3...
Thank you all. Great information and helping me tell the difference. I think part of it (for me) also might be denial. I have a few days of bad smelling gas and chalk it up to something I ate, rather...
Thank you all for the support and advice. It is all great and I do need to remind myself of it (day by day, etc.) especially at night when I have trouble sleeping. Luckily I have 3 little kids and so...
Good point DBwithUC. I guess the question could be any of those things, but I meant "worst" as in shows that the disease is progressing or the severity is increasing. And that the inflammation is...
Have you called Motherrisk at SickKids to find out what they say? 1-877-439-2744 Motherisk Helpline I have found them to be super helpful. Thomas Hale is another good resource for breastfeeding and...
Hello, Another newbie question. Is there a degree of severity in symptoms? Are there some symptoms that are "worse" (indicting worse inflammation?) than others. Basically, is blood the worst? Where...
Hi, I just posted a technical question, now I have a more emotional question. I am having trouble wrapping my head around having and dealing with UC for the rest of my (hopefully long) life. The idea...
Hello, I am new to colitis and new to the board. I have been reading for a few months with interest and finally joined. I will ask my question and then give a bit of a background. How do I know if I...
I would suggest doing a strict 30 day elimination, it is much easier to do it all at once. Follow it 100% for 30 days and see how you feel. You can then add things back in. Eliminate: -grains (all)...