Only smoking actual cigarettes put me into remission. Vaping or nicotine patches didn't do anything for me....
Pretty much one hundred percent back to normal today. I doubt the rowasa worked that quickly. No, idea why I'm better all of.a sudden, but I am not complaining. Going to have to really go over what...
Not smoking currently, haven't for almost a year now. I had some severe heart problems and had to quit. Risks of smoking became to great to continue. That kicked off a horrendous flare that was just...
Will do, hopefully the rowasa starts helping again. I was hoping I could taper off completly. Guess that isn't happening. I'm new to all off this. I just read treated my self by smoking since I found...
I just assumed flare symptoms meant the lialda was no longer keeping me in remission....
Yeah, I had some slight constipation after tapering off the rowasa. It normalized shortly after though. I restarted the rowasa waiting to here back from the gi. Curious what next option is after...
So, I've been in remission for around 4 months. A couple days ago I started having having blood and frequent diarrhea again. Currently I'm on 4 tabs of lialda a day. I Sent my gi a message it usally...
I had a similar situation with my first GI. I ened up leaving him and going to U of M. I'm only an hour away from Ann Arbor though. Good luck in your search for someone new....
I feel your pain. When I quit smoking that kicked off the first UC flare I had ever had. As everyone else said you should be on steriods and a maintenance med. Perhaps consider finding a new GI....
The only thing that helped my nausea during my flare was zofran. Other than that just getting out of the flare....
I eat whatever I want. Foods don't really seem to make any difference for me for better or worse. I stay away from alcohol though, it has pretty horrible effects on me for a few days after....
I can speak aside from my own experience., but It took a few days for the prednisone and lilada to start working for me. I would say call and ask your GI if you are worried about it or feel you...
I recently just got off pradaxa a blood thinner. It didn't seem to have an effect on my uc at all. Anyway, good luck, and well wishes....
I Can't answer your questions any better than the other posters have. I just wanted to say I can relate. After my pancolitis diagnosis. I was depressed and would give myself panic attacks thinking...
I've used pure cbd and a high cbd mix with thc. The pure cbd did nothing for me. Noticably at least. The thc/cbd mix helped manage flare symptoms like nausea and pain, but never put me in remission....
Depends entirely on the er. My local hospital is terrible. Last time I was in during a terrible flare up, I was severly dehydrated and anemic. All they would do was give me fluids and morphine. I...
Same here. I missed yesterday and am completely regretting it today....
I had a similar situation a month ago. My small town hospital weren't doing anything for me. I for lack of a better word threw a fit and told them to transfer me or to discharge. They doscharged me....
Hateuc, I am in the same boat. I currently pay 500 dollars a month premium for the highest teir bcbs plan in my state. They are a dropping it in my state for 2017 and replacing it with a plan with...
Not worth going. I am on pradaxa a blood thinner and went in with 12 plus bloody bathroom trips a day. Got sent home with iron pills for anemia and a huge bill. Get in with your gi and avoid the er....
Anyone else having trouble finding a plan in the marketplace? I currently have blue cross platnium, monthly premium is 507. Apparently they are scrapping it for 2017 and only offering a gold plan...
I looked into it after I saw the first couple of posts and have a discount card. Thanks everyone....
I'm pretty sure she said moderate. I can't remeber exactly. I was pretty out of it from the sedation after I'd have to ask my wife to be certain....
Didn't know anything about a discount card. Glad I posted. Thanks for sharing...
I've drank on prednisone and didn't die. I can't say anything other than it didn't kill me. That was pre uc for me though. I wouldn't do it now anyway because drinking seems to make my flares worse....
Good luck, I had to take amoxicillin for a dentist appointment a month ago and it put me in a nasty flare that is still on going. Definitely up the probiotics....
I Just starting taking lialda, I had a bit of a shock when I found out it is 100 dollars for the script with my insurance. I was wondering if anyone had any experience generic meslamine instead? I...
Update: I ended up at the after hours clinic a couple more times for iv fluids pain meds and zofran. They all kept trying to push cipro and flagyl on me. I never filled those scripts. finally made it...
Yeah, they made it about the anemia and dehydration. They normalized the latter with fluids so they treated that as a non issue. My hemoglobin levels only dropped a point while I was there over night...
Worst experience I've ever had at a hospital. The resident I dealt with even went as far as to tell me I didn't have colitis, when he was discharging me, amongst other things. The RN I had bashed him...
Getting discharged with iron tablets I won't be able to digest and antacids for some reason. I got to sleep comfortably for a night do to the morphine I guess. Gotta tough it out till november 11th I...
I'm sure it will be. I'm supposed to be seeing a gastroenterologist here tomorrow morning. So at least I might get a little help before my appointment at University of Michigan....
Being admitted. My hemoglobin is low and since I am on blood thinners they want me to stay. That is all the info I've gotten so far....
My wife is a nurse, she just got home and checked me over and is worried about dehydration and anemia and is making me go in. I'm going to call the gastro and try and get the appointment moved up...
Normally I wouldn't be asking this, and I'm sure it's been covered adnausem, but I am currently between insurance carriers. My new health coverage doesn't go into effect until the first. So I'm...
I've been having issues that I think may be air hunger. I will just feel like I'm not getting enough air, even when taking deep breaths. feels kind of like I'm having a panic attack....
She sadly was completely opposed to using an other antibiotic other than doxy. Said that doxy is the only antibiotic that kills Borrelia burgdorferi. I recommended the dose/duration. She was...
Saw the intergrative dr. for the lyme. Sadly, she didn't really seem to know a lot about lyme I don't know at least I didn't think. Never heard of Ilads at least. She gave me 3 months of doxycycline...
Had my two cardiologist appointments. Neither were concerned with my immediate health. One ordered a heart cath the other a cardiac mri. waiting for those. Saw the intergrative dr. for the lyme....
A little update. I had a stress test done a week ago. Oddly after all the heart trouble for 4 months they finally decided to give me one. Still have yet to get a heart cath. Anyway, I received a call...
Get released, no diagnosis of anything. They said my lungs were possibly inflamed causing the breathing issues. They want my cardiologist to give me a stress test. so there is that tomorrow. Llmd...
No, she uses a lab that's tsh normal range tops out at 10 so refuses to do a full thyroid panel. because I fall within that fucked off range. The only reason. I got tpo anti-bodies tested was because...
I've had multiple mri's on the noggin, 4 months ago lyme like symptoms peaked shortly after I had a series of strokes. Five spots on the mri. Went in diagnosed with dialated cardiomyopathy which...
They said probably bronchitis. should clear up on its own Seems breathing isn't important....
It will go away. At least for a bit. These symptoms seem to flare and go away every few days. Just hoping the cardiologist OKs the heart tomorrow. I really think it is from the lyme. The heart stuff...
Feeling a little better they gave me some ativan for my anxiety and are supposed to be giving me some pain meds. Being kept for observation and I see my cardiologist in the morning. They looked at me...
at the hospital. Possible lung infection and abnormal ekg. Probably here for the night. I have cardiomyopathy and had strokes in the past. The wife drug me in. Guess it was a good idea. No, I don't...
Sypytoms are terrible now . Chills, my ankles swollen and hurt too bad to walk along with my knees and neck. Getting a little pain in my chest left side randomly and with breathing. That's a little...
Thank you, I just got three recommendations from Ilads shortly after posting this. I also found an intergrative Dr. Who treats lyme that is 30 minutes from me. Checking them all out online the best I...
I called and got my appointment with the integrative physician that's in my area bumped up to June 17th thanks to some cancelations. Her info says she treats lyme. The cost isn't prohibitive for me...