Totes, Healthy colon...awesome news!!! Great to hear you're doing well. My goal this weekend is to set up a little mediation corner in my house. I am an anxiety fiend and I really need to work on it....
Jane974, soynomore, I completely agree. I tried it strictly for one week and that's all. Combine my "one week only" SCD effort with medications and it is impossible for me to give any opinion on the...
Medicine: So I've been on Mesalamine enema for a week and now starting tapered down dose of Prednisone. Diet: As far as SCD, I have not (due to my lack of discipline) been able to follow it super...
have you tried a probiotic?...
43, Like deltaforce mentioned, try and find something that will make you laugh. Maybe try prayer/meditation. Most of all, please, please, see your doctor, tell your doctor how you're feeling....
Quincy, Oral mesalamine in addition to enema? Why so? I don't see my doctor again until March 6th. Yes, I'm taking probiotics (Garden of Life, Raw Mens). Once again, thank you all for feedback/input....
loulou82, The reason for my colonoscopy was to determine why I was passing blood/mucus. I too was worried that the prep would aggravate everything and make bleeding worse. From my own experience, it...
Thank you for that break down iPoop. Last night was my first night using Mesalamine. Followed the instructions. Really didn't have any issues. Full retention all night. Seemed like there was some air...
quincy, I'm new to all the terminology so I'm going to write down findings from colonoscopy. I'm still studying the anatomy of the colon. Mucosa: Localized erythema and ulcerations were noted in the...
Hello everyone. New to board. September 2016 - started with flat bms, nothing else, GP diagnosed as hemorrhoids December 2016 - flat bms with a little blood and constipation, GP diagnosed as...