I have UC pancolities with mild involvement based on the colonoscopy reports. I tried Uceris for 6 weeks and my symptoms reduced a little but still no remission. I had very mild symptoms anyway. I...
Hi guys I got the report of my second opinion pathologist, and he confirmed UC with mild activity affecting the whole colon. My symptoms were always mild, with 2-3 loose stools and a drop of blood...
Thank ipoop This makes more sense. Yes, it seems like my symptoms and clinical picture are mild to moderate pancolitis for now....
Hi Quincy Here is the exact verbage on my report. Granulomatous reaction is seen in close proximity to crypt destruction, favoring mucin granuloma (I was told mucin is nonCrohn finding). Although...
Oh my path report says "UC", doesn't really say "pancolitis". The doctor called it that. But most of the path report says "mild" activity in each portion of the colon, yet it is in the whole colon....
Can someone explain to me how to translate "symptoms v path report v disease progression" So I have inflamation in all parts of my colon. Therefore, I have panacolitis. This is supposed to be the...
I wish I could attach my path report. But there are not many details like I have seen to others online. Basically it says " colonic mucosa showing chronic colitis with moderate activity" to pretty...
Yes, I was thinking that too but it looks like bacterial colitis looks more patchy like Crohn's, not like UC...chronic everywhere. I might ask a second opinion on the path report, but most likely I...
Wow, I understand. Its hard to process all of this. I had 4 "healthy" days now, and total of 3 weeks since I started to have anything...so techically about 2 weeks of little blood plus little loose...
Each section is mostly moderate with rectum mild and another one mild, but most section and cecum are moderate. My path report says UC, and the dr said UC. I will fill my Lialda of course. I just...
Yes, I was given Uceris to try and I guess Lialda, but I haven't gotten them yet. I do have the pathology reports yes, and all the pictures, clearly showing inflamations. I guess because I have...
Hello everyone I was diagnosed with pancolitis yesterday. My pathology report says mild or moderate involvement in every area up to the cecum. My symptoms started 3 weeks ago during antibiotics...