Thank you for your message :) just from your posts has made me feel better that's there is people out there that understand me! Yes hopefully can find one through my docter and get the right medicine...
August the 18th my docters are so busy but I'm going to try and get an earlier appointment as feeling pretty rubbish. they are rectal meds 3 times a day not long been on them so haven't seen a...
Thank you :) No just on my colonoscopy report it says colon:proctitis and then aftercare mild proctitis affecting the distal 2cm of the rectum that's pretty much it so to say I'm confused is putting...
Hi guys so after 8 months of bloody mucus pain in tummy and diarrea docter thinking I had colitis I have had my colonoscopy (was fine didn't feel a thing! Was super worried) I have been diagnosed...