Sorry to hear about your C-Diff. Vanco made my UC worse also, so the last several times I was given Dificid which worked very well for me. Absolutely with others who suggested taking a probiotic...
C-Diff has been more of a problem since being diagnosed with UC back in 2009. After having it so many times I can usually tell when I have it. I feel very fatigued and start having cramps and...
Always took Prednisone first thing in the morning followed by a sleep aid before bed. However the last time I was on Prednisone it made me so tried after taking it first thing in the morning I had to...
Sorry to hear about your struggles with C-Diff. I've also had bad experiences with Vanco. The last two times I took it, it caused my C-Diff to flare. My insides felt horrible for 3 hours following a...
I also have developed joint pain and swelling, and sometimes even tendon swelling. It's usually in my hands wrists and feet. Symptoms greatly improve for two weeks following my Remicade infusion and...
Are you eating normal foods? Do you notice cramping following eating? You might want to give your digestive track a rest for a few days and eat easy things to digest. The BRAT diet works well for me....
I understand exactly what you are going through. Same thing happens to me when on Prednisone. The best thing I learned to do when something upsets me is to bite my tongue and walk away. Just get...
Totally agree with iPoop. Every time I've had C-Diff, had to push out my Remicade infusion until after I'm finished with the antibiotic. There is a Dr. at the infusion center who has seen my positive...
Try to eat a low residue diet, you bowels need a chance to rest and recover. Yes, you might need another round of Vanco. Make sure you are in good communication with your GI....
The faster infusions would certainly make it possible for more patients to be treated. Going to ask my GI about it at my next checkup. Just thought it was interesting and might be helpful to someone....
Was having my Remicade infusion yesterday and noticed many people coming in for Entyvio infusions. They were in and out within 45 minutes. I asked my nurse how Entyvio was working for people. She had...
Been on Vancomycin and Prednisone several times and never had any problems....
They always give me 10 days worth of Dificid. I just wouldn't jump back into your normal diet the day you finish the prescription. The last time I took Vancomycin it caused my UC to flare, so I don't...
Sorry to hear about your recent struggles with C-Diff. I'm working through my 6th case of C-Diff at the moment. Like was already stated, C-Diff can be very tough to get rid of once you have it. In my...
I believe that it does, because Remicade lowers your immune system which lowers your ability to fight infection. Not sure about it being more difficult to get rid of though....
No way I can say for sure, but I believe them to be re-occurrence. Caught it back in April when our second daughter was born. Pretty sure I caught it in the hospital, because I took the next two...
Sara, During my last bout of C-Diff I was eating normally and the diarrhea persisted. Called my GI when I only had 3 days worth of Dificid left. She said to eat a BRAT diet to get my colon some rest....
Make sure you stick with a low residue diet while your colon is recovering from the C-Diff. Something like (B)ananas, (R)ice, (A)pplesauce, (T)oast. Working through my 6th case of C-Diff right now,...
Switched from 9 recliners in a semi-circle format into somewhat private cubes. My current infusion center is great, all rooms have a recliner and it's own TV. Warm blankets that are long enough to...
Hope the Vancomycin works for you. Had my 5th bought of C-Diff this spring, there's another medication called Dificid that targets the C-Diff better than Vancomycin. It's worked great for me the last...
It seems the more you are on Prednisone the longer it takes to work. So if this is your first time you should see some change within a few days. Perhaps first a reduction in frequency, then any blood...
I wish I could be back on Humira. It was so easy and convenient, but it didn't work for me. The only side-effect I experienced was a very minor case of hives that went away with a little over the...
I'll use Advil for the pain/swelling. Not really supposed to use NSAIDs, so I'm careful with how often and always take with food. My pain/swelling usually lasts for 3 days and then moves on to...
Where is his joint pain located? Does he experience any swelling as well? I've been on Remicade for a few years and I experience joint pain/swelling in my hands and feet. Have noticed it happens when...
Enjoy your trip to Tokyo, it will be something you will never forget. Had one of the most amazing meals in Tokyo, Shabu-shabu. Do your best to find a good restaurant that serves it. Trying to find a...
Had Natto while working in Japan several years ago. It was absolutely horrible. Some of our coworkers took us out for dinner and had us try some unusual food. Natto was one of them, along with raw...
Sorry to hear about your issues with Remicade. Been on Remicade for about 3 years now. Have experienced many of the symptoms you are describing. Having a lot of headaches and joint pain, swelling in...
I've had a number of headaches after starting Remicade, but they seemed to settle out over the last year. However, after a flare last summer by GI upped my Remicade dosage and frequency to every 6...
Yes, take it all in the morning. When I was flaring over the summer and took my Prednisone in the morning. Symptoms were much better in the morning but deteriorated over the day just as you are...
Spending time with my wife and daughter is one of my favorites. Finally got back to playing in a golf league this year. Haven't played much since getting married 6 years ago. Been working a lot on...
Had my third case of c-diff this past summer. Haven't had a colonoscopy in several years now. Did not have colonoscopies prior to my two previous cases either. Things went from bad to horrible once...
My experience with Suprep sounds about the same as yours.. Threw up both doses, but enough must have got into my system to clean me out. Was going clear after the second dose, and Dr. didn't have any...
C Diff usually has an unmistakable smell associated with it. Do you notice a familiar smell to when you were first diagnosed? Absolutely get re-tested. Might need a higher dosage of Vanco to knock it...
Tried taking Licorice Root in the past after reading it can help jump start the adrenal glands. Don't remember if it made a huge difference, but it certainly didn't hurt. Do your best to stay...
Totally agree with Dikid. I had C-Diff over the summer. Things weren't too bad until I was prescribed Vanco. Vanco caused me to flare badly. Didn't get better until getting on Prednisone and Dificid....
It's the only thing on my forbidden list. If I have popcorn on my best day I will end up with mucus the next morning without fail. Thankfully it's something I don't mind living without....
Did Suprep back in August. Certainly was less liquid than the citrate of magnesia / miralax prep. To me the Suprep had an overpowering sweet taste and was still thick even after being diluted...
Used Suprep for my last colonoscopy a few months ago. Also threw it up in the evening before and the day of my colonoscopy, but enough was able to get through to clean me out. Told the Dr. at my...
Just had my second double dose of Remicade yesterday. Haven't noticed any negative effects with the new dosage. Have gone without any Benadryl for my last 3 infusions. The Benadryl just made me feel...
Avoiding sodium might help a bit with swelling in your face. I remember having sensations in my cheeks a few minutes after eating some salty food....
This is my first time taking Florastor, wonder if that might be the problem. I called and left a message with my GI a few hours ago. I will discuss your suggestion with her. Thanks again bananagirl....
Thanks bananagirl, I was wondering if I might be resistant to vanco. Do you think a week without seeing any progress is enough time before calling my Dr.?...
Used to take VSL a few years ago when I was flaring, but stopped. Had been symptom free for the past 3 years. Regular probiotics sound like a good idea....
About 2.5 weeks ago started feeling a lot of nausea and very run down. Simplified my diet and the nausea started going away. Was having only 1-2 soft but formed BM everyday. Had some blood work done...
Guess I was in the 1.3 - 6%, because I had horrible nausea from 6MP. Was advised to take it before bed so I could sleep off any nausea. Pretty sure my dosage was 50mg. It took about 3 days before the...
I was 29. Had just returned from a business trip from Tokyo, where I consumed many of the local dishes including raw whale and raw horse. Thought for sure the internal bleeding was due to something I...
My infusion center requires an annual test....
Thoreau and Contentprof, Thanks so much for your helpful comments. The pain and swelling did subside within a few days of stopping the Lialda, but re-emerged again about 2 days later. Still having...
This has been a very interesting thread, thanks so much for all those who have added to it. Been on Remicade for about 3 years and it has really help me get and stay in remission. Started having pain...
I've been getting occasional night sweats as well. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Also not sure where these are coming from, but could very well be the Remicade. Been on Remicade a little more...