No, do not reduce the dose of either! Certainly not yet, at any rate. This disease has a nasty habit of spiralling out of control. If I were you I'd maintain the current regime, keep your boot on its...
Quick story; Recently had a set of blood tests prior to starting vedolizumab (haven't started yet). Overall very depressing, but one thing the tests showed was that I have very low vitamin D levels -...
Good God, life must be rough at the moment. Honestly if you're pooping and vomiting as much as you are then you'd be at serious risk of dehydration, if nothing else. Might be worth a trip to hospital...
Thanks for all the responses guys, I appreciate what you've all said, makes me feel a little less alone in it all. Notsosicklygirl - Initial colonoscopy and biopsies showed mild/moderate distal...
About August 2017 if I remember correctly. Never achieved remission in all that time so I'm at my wit's end. I am "fortunate" in that it's only distal colitis I have to deal with, so I can still...
As per the title, I've been feeling immensely frustrated and depressed as of late, and wish to just get things off my chest, so feel free to ignore me completely xD As of last night, I have started...
Hello all Dairy/milk intolerance is said to be fairly common amongst UC'ers, and having recently cut out dairy from my own diet, have also found that my symptoms have gotten a lot better. With that...
Psyllium husk definitely ferments in the gut - it's one of the best substrates for butyrate production for your gut bacteria. Juicing might be an option if fibre is too irritating - it will remove...
Personally speaking, I can't control my symptoms with diet, but I avoid certain foods that make my symptoms much, much worse (e.g rye bread, which I really miss having). I also never found the SCD or...
I'd love to hear your opinions and experiences of having a J-pouch. A lot of the experiences of the J-pouch that I read online are quite negative, but that could well be because dissatisfied people...
I tried SCD for a couple of months but I didn't see any improvements. It did, however, give me me alot more gas and thus discomfort from all the extra fibre from eating so many vegetables....
Hey Little Bear In the interests of full disclosure, I'm going to describe the good and bad of my experiences with wellbutrin (and I am still experimenting with it). Obviously I'm not recommending...
Yes, bupropion is the same as wellbutrin. It suppresses production of TNF-alpha as well as interferon-gamma and interleukin-beta (also inflammatory cytokines), whilst at the same time increasing...
I harp on about it but bupropion is another option - lots of people with UC see improvements when they use it. It's off-label use though so don't expect your doctor to know too much about it....
To the creator of this post, given that you are worried about tofacitinib treatment (as I am), it may be worthwhile to try welbutrin for a month or so and see if that helps you out. It would be...
I've never had much success with kefir, I still drink it on occasion but it's never significantly effected my symptoms as far as I could tell. Additionally, whilst consuming a massive amount of kefir...
I've had mixed results with prednisolone. Initially a 5 day 30mg course would make me feel a lot better, later when I went to a 6 week 30mg taper down, then an 8 week 40mg taper down it seemed to...
That was quick! Thank you very much :D...
Hello all I've been trying to get hold of a pdf of the Briggs Protocol for treating ulcerative colitis, but have not been able to obtain a copy anywhere. The website where it used to be hosted...