Hi, No, this is just CBD...
Hi Jayce, I'm taking it in liquid form, 2 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day. I've just checked where I get it from and it doesn't mention if it's medical grade so I'm uncertain. I currently take...
Hi, let me just start off my saying that my take on homeopathic remedies is a sceptical one. To summarise my illness: I started off bleeding back in June / July 2017 and I was officially diagnosed...
Sorry I hadn't replied sooner, for some reason it never notified me via email that some responses had come through. I appreciate everyone posting their experiences. My hospital is quite "on it" with...
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I too was hoping that it would be remission which was achieved but I must say that I've come a long was since I posted that message a year ago. My plan was to...
I posted approx a year ago when I first started Infliximab. My post a year ago was along the lines of everything working as expected and feeling great. Unfortunately the results were short lived but...
Hi, I'm only recently diagnosed so I'm still getting used to all this myself. I find that most foods don't play a part in how I'm feeling; I just need to stay clear of certain things. For me...
I just came to give a quick moral boost for those which are considering the above medication. I had my first treatment on the 7th Feb and I've felt great. My toilet visits have gone right down, blood...
Hi, just came here to say that I had my first infusion of Inflectra on Thursday. I was really nervous as there are about a million side effects but thankfully I’ve not experienced any of them. I must...
3timechamp, They’re putting me on infliximab infusions. I’m currently on Octasa tablets and enemas which have only done so much help. I’m currrntly back on 40 pred as I tapered to 15mg and my...
Hi, I agree with what everyone has said here and I’m new to all this (diagnosed November) I’ve been bleeding heavy since October and suffering quite bad anemia. Through the advice on here, I chased...
They did explain all the reasoning and the nurse was so on the ball she predicted that they would put me on the different meds and she ordered the extra blood tests up front so I’ve had them done...
They've called me back today and said they're going to do the infusions instead. She wants some faster results. In Friday morning for a consultation and a chest x-ray! Fingers crossed it'll be all...
They've only put me on a month's initial prescription. I think mainly to make sure there's no adverse effects to my system as the lady rhymed off around a thousand side effects. She did mention that...
Thanks for all your help. The nurse was happy that I increased my pred short term to handle the increase in symptoms so I'm grateful for that. They've upped my pred back up to 40 and prescribed me...
I've managed to get an emergency appointment for Wednesday. I'm going to push for stronger medication to accompany the pred. I must admit that I don't drink often, I drink once every 4-6 weeks and...
Thanks quincy, The doctor said it was left and right side. He’s going just off the CT scan for that though as the colonoscopy wasn’t possible. When it got really bad I could feel pain in the left...
Thanks iPoop, My realistic goal is to have the energy I had before and have the occasional over indulgence without worrying about how it will affect me. If this isn’t remission but some milder...
Hi Quincy, If you saw me in November then you’d not believe the difference. I was literally bed ridden with no motivation and had no interest in anything. At that point I hadn’t eaten for around a...
Thanks iPoop, I must say that I've never had a point where I didn't see any blood and it's shown as I had a severe low blood count at the end of December which the doctor prescribed me iron tablets....
Hi, I've recently been diagnosed with UC in November. What started with a little blood in the stool led to me spending 4 weeks in bed in November. I had a failed colonoscopy in the middle of November...