Don't fall for this, cbd oil is as therapeutic to UC as any other placebo or non existent medication. CBD is just the latest trend, they claim it cures anxiety, depression, cancer, now IBD... There...
Approximately same here. The only symptom I have lately is bright red blood, usually only on toilet paper. No diarrhea, no pain or cramping. Blood tests also in check. Thanks for the input GoodbyeUC...
Hey there ribbon, really sorry that you are going through a rough patch, I hope you feel better soon. I think physical and mental health is a distinction that we make to grasp what is going on. Our...
This is a rather late response, I am a new member to this forum. To my understanding physical & mental health should not be distinguished. After all our body is a whole, when the gut is unhealthy...
Hey Andy & iPoop and thanks for sharing your story. Yes I have read accounts of people that did not have their symptoms alleviated by the nicotine replacements. Could it be the route of...
Hello Sara thank you for your input. I was very sceptical before starting the gum that I might crave cigarettes if my system were to be getting nicotine again but chewing the gum bears no resemblance...
Yes I am seeing a gastroenterologist and at some point he said that my blood tests at the time were not consistent with inflammation. However I was passing blood with my stool, so where would the...
Hello everyone I was diagnosed with uc in July '17. Symptoms appeared in June, 3 months after quitting smoking. I am currently on 3g mesalazine/day. My flares are moderate but really stubborn in...