Hi, I've been taking predocol which I believe is pretty much the same thing i.e a poorly absorbed prednsiolone salt in an asacol type casing. I've been on it continuously now for around 2 years - it...
sorry - if I'd read your post correctly I'd have seen what you'd tried before...
Hi, Tacrolimus is on the list of things for me to try if things continue as they are. It is similar to cyclosporin but in oral form. There have been a number of studies on it but quite recent. It is...
Hi, Just to reassure you - proctitis can definitely cause right sided abdominal pains and abdo cramping - I have experienced this and a recent scope only showed proctitis this time. The cause of the...
Hi, azathioprine often causes a macrocytosis (this won't cause harm) - which means large blood cells - other causes of a macrocytosis are B12 and folate deficiency - so it may be that your doc has...
Hi, Colon cancer, especially in UC, does not necessarily start as a polyp and can develop directly....
My thoughts on question 3 - I think the lack of pain (at least if flares are associated with pain for you usually) in my experience is a positive. The site of pain I don't believe is consistant with...
I'm not on it - the use of methotrexate in UC is contraversial - it is useful in Crohn's however. There are ongoing studies being done to establish whether it is helpful in UC. The existing studies...