Hi Squattie, was wondering where you purchased yours at? do you go thru natrens website? Ive been checking online to see if it's cheaper elsewhere and i found www.vitacost.com has it cheaper and so...
Hi Everyone, was wondering if anyone has heard of Natren Probiotics by Natasha Trenev, her website is www.natren.com I read an article that states her probiotics are the best in the world. Also read...
Hey pb4 it just says take one caplet daily is all, no time or anything, nor does it say with or without food. Was just wondering it there was a better time to take it where it would be the most...
Hi, was wondering if there's any specific time that's better to take probiotic's, like morning, or evening, on a full stomach or empty? it just says take one capsule daily on package. Thanks, nikki...