I would suspect the extra pain/discomfort from having a full conoloscopy vs sigmoidoscopy to be minimal to none. The most uncomfortable part is actually navigating the sigmoid colon, which is two...
Thats my biggest fear.. to go from having what should be a routine procedure into being on the edge of life and death. The risks are actually bigger than most people think. Especially if you do the...
Nope.. thats the best thing, you can go straight away, on your own, right after the procedure....
Thats exactly my thinking. I found the risk of sedation to be too steep considering it is possible to do it without. Its not for everyone, but it worth a try, especially if you are in remission -...
Perhaps it would be more suitable for the bi-annual or annual screening required for those who've had the disease for a long time (but are currently in remission). My point is - making the...
Im sorry Judy - I didn't mean to put you in a bad light at all. I only made this post to share this experience with those that are dreading the colonoscopy as much as I was. I also hoped it would...
What would you say is the biggest reason behind this?...
I think trying it without sedation is a great investment! You will feel the pain from the sigmoid part with or without sedation - I agree and think this is the case for most people. The worst part...
Is your UC under control? Are you in remission? If so, then I believe what you describe is entirely psychological, the product of years and years of UC pain and desperation. It takes a long time for...
Hello.. I just wanted to share my experience with my first colonoscopy without sedation. To give a bit of background, i've had pancolitis for the last 16 years - Since I was 10 years old. I am 26...
It is not based on stats but on studies.. and thats the only information we have on UC.. and as I said, drugs work to lessen inflammation. If there is no inflammation im just hurting my kidneys/liver...
in response to what was said.. he didnt say the diagnosis was wrong but he doubted it and asked me if i had one or more episodes because if i only had one he would have told me that i had a different...
Hey all! just an update about my colonoscopy. It went GREAAAAATTTTTTTT... The doc said he found no ulcers or any sign of ulcerative colitis.. he didnt even take a biopsy!.. he even doubted the...