Hi, My mother was told she has no salt in her liver. And thats not good. Shes had diabetes for many years. What causes this. Thanks...
Thank You for your replys. Summer...
What do you mean by painful...
Hi, My dr wants me to go for this test and i would like to know how this is done. Thank you...
Hi, Has anyone heard of or used Roboxetine for depression. Thanks Summer...
Yes, I have talked to my doctor about it.But he just tells me my heart is working harder to digest the food. He doesen't even seem concerned about it. It's not even a year since all my tests and the...
What is the vagus nerve, and where is it located. I always have this when I eat to much. When I started menopause 2 years ago, I put on weight. The weight seemed to go right to my upper stomach....
Hi All, I seem to always have this problem lately. Everytime after I eat, my heart will start beating fast and hard. It's very uncomfortable. I always have to sit down and relax for a while till it...