Hello Everyone, I have been battling a sudden onset of palps (the ones that have been picked up on ekg and holter monitor have been PACS) for a little over two months now. In the beginning it really...
Hi Carly, thanks for the response. I haven't taken magnesium yet, I have started zoloft to try and get a hold of my anxiety, which has been an issue for a long time, not just about these PACS, of...
Mishkins, thank you very much, I appreciate it. I am still struggling with it, I just wish it would go away, I just don't get how all of a sudden I can have this regular "irregular" heartbeat and it...
stkitt, Thanks for the detailed response, that does help a lot. I am so torn on what to do right now. Part of me wants to start taking that 25mg of Atenolol each day, especially if that will help the...
She just said that my heartrate took a while to come back down to normal after my treadmill, that is when she wanted my heartrate down. However, I think with regular exercise my recovery heart rate...
Carly....I have the same thing, I just did some tests today, an echo and then a treadmill test so they could see how my heart responds to exercise. Everything looked normal, the one premature beat...
Well.....I went to the doctor today, and I think I feel better for now. The cardiologist I saw in 2004 was booked until the end of July and I just couldn't wait that long so I went to a different one...
Hey everyone, my name is Grant, I'm a 35 year old male (almost 36). Recently (June 26th) I was getting ready for a BBQ around the house when I kept feeling a flutter in my lower neck area and a quick...