Hey... sorry for the delay in replying. I had my bypass surgery on 1/4. Holy Cow what an ordeal!! I went in on Tuesday morning and woke up the following Tuesday. I was out for an entire week.. It...
Had my heart cath on Monday. Unfortunately I didn't get the best of news. Looks as if I'm headed for Quadruple bypass. This finding comes after my cardiologist here in Tallahassee told me "the heart...
I"m having the heart cath on Monday at Shands teaching hospital. I still don't any idea if the doctor is expecting to use stents or CABG or no treatment. During my research i've found that half of...
Possi, Thanks so much for the reply. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the heart cath reveals. I"m no fan of bypass surgery, but I lost my father at 49 to a heart attack so I've seen the...
I was recently diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm. My physician had me undergo a Chest CT scan to verify the diagnosis. The CT determined the aneurysm is small enough to not require surgery.......
Kitt, Thanks for the reply. I did see the Thoracic Surgeon at Shands. As it turns out he says that the actual size of an aneurysm can't be accurately gauged with echocardiagrams. To do this he needs...
WOW! Not a single comment... I must REALLY be in bad shape!LOL!...
I'm a 47 year old male, 6'4 and 300lbs. I was diagnosed with hypertension at age 15 and i've been on medication since the age of 19. My BP has been controlled fairly well till the last year. In the...