Well I made it to larger hospital, presented in Er. before my Echocardiogram.... all blood work, ekg were fine, also my echo is clear, heart is perfect, which is good! my small effusion is almost...
Thanks. I think I will go to the er in a larger center and hopefully they will assign me a cardiologist then. This pain is hard to take and it's going on 3 mths! My last chest xray also showed...
Hi, I am hoping someone can help me. I was diagnosed mth ago with small effusion pericarditis, and was treating it with anti-inflams. not much pain relief, now the pain is getting worse, almost...
Hi, I have just started on Prednisone high dose tapered for a week, and feeling no better, if anything pain is worse. I had been on 600mg x 3 of advil for past 2 weeks, and previously only on 375 mg....
Hi, just wondering if anyone else has continual pain on the left side of the sternum....mine is worse when i sit upright, better if i lean over. Also i am so confused....... when i talk alot ( i am...
Thanks for the welcome! My Gp wants me to see my cardio to discuss further pain control. The test results show small effusion. I am now in my second mth of symptoms since they missed itwhen I was in...
Hi, newbie here, great to see so much support on this site. I had been fighting with chest pain/pressure that also pushed on my throat & thought it was reflux related, until my Dr. ordered a...