I SO SO understand!!!!! I thought I was alone....
Thanks Kitt! Yes this is so hard! I don't drink any coffee or soda or alcohol. At all. No allergies....
I wore a holter and they told me it was PVCs. on that day I had almost 200. I spent two days counting them with a hand counter. (you push the button, it's a small handheld device. Bouncers use it to...
This is approximately how many PVCs I experience in a day. (everyday). I'm so worried about this. Doc says there isn't anything she can do. Easier said than done....
What could be happening? I keep thinking a faulty Herr valve but I've had two echocardiograms about six months ago. They were ok....
Rose, it seems we have MuCh in common!!!! It's just so crazy the effect this has on my life. I'm 35 and I've never driven a car. :( I Have three children... Ages 14, 10, and 15 months. I need to be...
I agree that 114/76 is good. But I'm telling you, that's only today. For weeks now my BP taken while sitting has been readings like 92/60, 94/65, 98/67, 99/64. Like that. Everyday, all day. The...
Thanks. I feel so alone sometimes! Actually, MOST of the time :( Yes I have GAD and Panic disorder. I get panic attracks at least 5 times a week sometimes more. I never leave my house except to pick...
My BP while sitting is 114/76 pulse 73 My BP while standing is 96/67 pulse 83 Is this ok??? I feel so dizzy! Been feeling dizzy all day! Laying down is the only position in which I don't feel dizzy....
I just feel so so crazy. I check my BP now all day. This literally consumes my time. I just checked again...94/64.....I'm gonna lose it!!!!! I'm not relaxed or sitting. Been moving around all day...
Was just at the doc last week. I told her about the lower readings and she wasn't concerned at all. I don't know why I'm so paranoid....
When I'm at the doctors office as I was last week my readings are always higher. The triage took it and it was 138/70 and about 30 minutes later the doc took it and it was 124/74. Thanks for the...
My BP readings are usually Like this.....112/74....117/80...124/82 But for the last few weeks my readings are more like 104/67....99/65.... And even 95/63. I am so so scared. Why is my BP so low....
I really feel like I need a benzo of some sort for these panic attacks. But he refuses to give me any saying they are addictive and I will only build a tolerance. And that an SSRI is the thing I...
I have a weird OCD and people think I'm so strange. I check my BP at least 30 times a day and my pulse upwards of 100 times a day. How can I stop? I'm on no meds. I do have a panic disorder. I have...
Brain caps are very real! I can totally sympathize. When I came off of paxil that's exactly what I had for about two months. It was terrible and people didn't believe me which was so frustrating. The...
I'm not on ANY medication..........
I find that my BP has been on the low end for days. Readings like 104/67 and 102/65. Pulse around 70-75. But when my BP is high (168/98) right now and my pulse is 58. Is that kinda low for a pulse.?...
I really wonder about my BP. Sometimes I take it and it's 122/78......during a panic attack it goes something like 170/100..... And sometimes it's 103/64. (which is the reading I just got) isn't that...
Im 35 and have been suffering from very scary PVCs since the birth if my son 14 months ago. I get them daily... Hundreds. I totally understand what you're going through. The forums are great. I hope...
I'm dizzy allllll the time. They dint know what it is! I have severe anxiety and panic attacks....
I began feeling "skipped beats" a few months ago and was given a 24 hour holter monitor. I was then told that I was experiencing PVCs and not to worry. I would get 40 or 50 a day and I tried very...
Dennisse..... I Titakky understand! I was taking Xanax when u found out I was pregnant and had to stop. It was SO bad! I can't explain. After Xanax and the pregnancy , I was on klonopin. .5mg twice a...
They want me to take anti-depressants! I'm not depressed! But rather frustrated at times. I don't really have allergies, no high BP, HIV neg. Thanks for the response! Really appreciate it!!!! :)...
Im a 35 Year old female. I'm already living with anxiety and panic disorders, hypothyroidism and PVCs. I have so many weird symptoms and when I tell the doc she says that it either anxiety related or...
I've reached the point where I'm scared 24/7. I have very scary PVCs and they have taken over my every thought almost every moment of the day. After complaining to my doc about having the sensation...
S.C. I thank you. I saw the psychotherapist for six months. I recently stopped going because it became expensive taking a cab there and back every week. I don't work because of my anxiety and simply...
Scaredy Cat.... Thank you. Ive never joined a group before so I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting others just like me. As far as the PVCs go, I think they don't want to give me anything because...
Em, I really really thank you for your reply. It means a lot. There's almost a comfort knowing that I'm not the only one on the planet with this problem. As far as the Klonopin, it was pure HeLL...
This Is my first time on this site I'm a 35 year old female. I've had GAD and Panic attacks since I was a young adult (18...19) things have gotten to the point where I'm just barely making it day by...