Ok...I cannot comment to WPW or guarantee that your ablation will be the same as mine which was for V-Tach. I was very nervous as I went from being 100% healthy AFIK, to being ambulanced to the ER...
Ok I know this is kind of a duplicate post from my earlier, but I wanted to try and concetrate on V-Tach and ablation treatments. -how many people here have experienced v-tach? -how many have had...
Still looking for advice and input. I saw the EP doc last week, he said as far as he can tell things are good.....but he couldn't answer my most basic questions: -what caused this in...
I truly understand your fear, and hope some one chimes in with some reassuring words....
Thanks for the kind words and good advice Kitt. I will of course do these things. Would this be better done before my follow up with EP cardiologist, which will be the end of this month? I wonder if...
Hello all, new member to forum.....landing here after hours and hours of searching the WWW. Background: 38 year old male....over weight (216) but in over all very good health. See my GP every year,...