Hi Everyone ..SSorry I have been away from the boards for awhile ...I just wanted to come on and first off thank everyone for their support and words of wisdom ...secondly to update everyone on what...
Hello Everyone I just wanted to touch base and let you know what is going on . So I went back to the cardiologist for my results while there he did another ecg and of course I was having a panic...
Hello Everyone I dont know how this works if I should keep adding to my original post but I am currently in a panic... I had my cardiologist appt this coming sat to find out what the ultrasound of my...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif Hello All As you know I have severe anxiety and panic attacks as well I have been referred to a cardiologist ..although both the ER dr and my GP said that my ecg was...
Hello There I am new here but I couldnt help but send you my hugs and great thoughts and prayers to you .. My sister in law is also doing chemo and I have been there with her every step of the way...
Hello Thank you ...I appreciate it and yes I have learned over the years that it helps to talk to ppl who suffer or are going thru the same thing. I am currently taking meds for my thyroid so that is...
Hi There I like you suffer from heath anxiety ...going thru something right now ...but like the others have mentioned maybe it is GERD have you looked into this ... Another possiblity might be...
I usually post on the heart site but I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and right now I seem to be having them all day . Went to the Triage afew weeks ago because I was having upper GI...
Hi There I am sorry to hear about what you have to go through but if it makes you feel better then ask for another opinion from another cardiologist ...no one knows you like you ...only you know your...
Hello All So it is afew days away from getting my results at the cardiologist but I have afew questions maybe you guys can help me with. Below is what my ECG said -GP and ER doc said it was normal...
Hello There Well I did my ultrasound and now it is the waiting game I hate it ...so scary ...I have to do something ...so I figure I will tell myself what ever will be will be I cannot change the...
Thanks ....but easier said than done ...I am really scared is there anyone out there that can tell me anyting from the infor I have provided ....
Vent rate 89 pbpm pr interval 130 ms qrs duration 68 ms qt/qtc 352/428ms p.tr.t axes 79 62 68 Normal Sinus Rhythm Nonspecific ST abnormality Hey All I went for my ultrasound on Saturday very weird...
Thank you I know that the tech cannot tell me anything but I am so afraid tonight just sittin here I am short in patience and high with anxiety. I can feel my heart beating fast and have to will...
hI OK not sure if anyone remembers me ...so I was diagnosed with non specific st abnormailty and although my regular physical and blood work all came back normal (june/july) and my enzyme and...
Ok ...so I have my heart ultrasound this coming saturday with the cardiologist then meet with him on the 27th ...wish me luck and hopefully it is nothing serious....
Hello There I feel for you ...I understand what your going thru and yes it can bring on anxiety which can also raise your Blood Pressure. I hope the holter monitor comes back clean and that your...
I am new to this forum ..my name is Nazter and I just have some concerns. The ECG he said is normal for me...lol ... When I looked at it ..it said normal sinus rythem ...non specific st abnormality...