Thank you so much Kitt,Bless you...
So is this something to worry about in your opinion?...
I'm 48 yr old female,have gained quiet a bit of weight since hysterectomy 10yrs ago.Went for a stress test, echo and the nuclear scan back in july.The cardeologist office called to report all was...
All test were normal.Thank God!!!Probably muscleskeletory....
Thank you,I am taking baby aspirin and have nitroglycerin on hand,He didn't seem too worried but did say take it easy till tues morning.I have gerd and a hiatial hernia.I'm not easy paniced.So I tend...
I have been having pain in center of my chest sides of my neck,and center of my back.Long story short,two ekgs abnormal,shows inferior infraction ,normal blood workmand normal echo.Waiting for stress...