Hello, I posted a couple months about my pounding heartbeat and pain/pressure that comes and goes. Well it hasn't gotten any better but I do have some more answers. I saw a new cardiologist recently...
Just a quick update, I was recently tested for several viruses. The results came back positive or borderline for the following: Coxsackie B, Epstein Barr, and Adenovirus. It seems that when I took...
Hi Jeffsick, Thanks for sharing. Do you do anything to "thin" your blood or decrease your risk of complications? I assume keeping hydrated is key. Hi Georgia Hunter, I have been feeling headachy...
Hi Hewi, Thanks for your kind comment. I too am sorry that you've had heart trouble. It's been very scary the last couple of months not knowing what's going on... though the fact that they haven't...
New member to the forum here. Let me start by saying I don't know if I have Lyme. I'm a landscaper and have been bitten by ticks over the years, and fit many of the symptoms of Lyme but no diagnosis...
Thanks for the link to the study. I've also wondered about mercury (or other heavy metal) poisoning myself - not from direct exposure but possible contamination in the herbal supplement that I took...
Hi JungRulz, Thanks for your input. Yes, I do avoid all stimulants (except occasional chocolate) and generally eat very healthy & mostly organic. My doctor said he will send me to a cardiologist if I...
Hello all, I'm new to this forum and would love to hear your thoughts on my situation. At the end of March of this year, I had a 'toxic' reaction to an herbal antifungal. I had been working with a...