Hello, Sorry for the delay, but I have a few updates now. I got my MRI Scan, stress test, ECG (atleast 4 times) , Echo done and all came normal. My Cardiologist suggested the chest pains were to do...
Thank you . I have an appointment next week , will see how it goes . I don't smoke , no family history of cardiac problems , cholostrol is in limit , bp is good , blood work came positive and I am...
Thanks Happy Turtle. I have normal Cholestrol and normal blood pressure - which I have checked 2 months back.I have also tested for Atrial fibrillation, and it came normal too. Do ECG not reveal...
Thanks for the reply. Is angiogram required even if ECG and blood tests came OK?...
Thanks for the reply. I was worried by reading posts somewhere else where difference in BP would result in arteries damages. Will ECG test confirm arteries issues or does it only tell the heart beat...
Thank you for the reply. But does that explain the differences in blood pressure too? If I have a normal ECG do I need to worry about cardiovascular issues ?...
Hi, I had a chest pain 6 months back so went to see a doctor at A&E. They did an ECG and all came normal and she suggested to me to go to GP. I have seen the GP and after one more ECG and blood test,...