Well i'll be in a public as well, St. Vinc., the surgeon i'm seeing is Emily Granger - i just looked her up and she's a bit of a star so that's something. I'd like to hear your story ... is there a...
So for anyone still reading my little story, i had the angiogram at St. Vincents yesterday and unfort. the result was bad, much worse than the CT, many more blockages. CT had a high of 70%, angio...
Thanks. I'm doing that (stress reduction). Mood is getting a lot better....
Update: So i saw the cardiologist yesterday. He calmed my morbid fears a bit ... says i'm much more likely to get away with stents (85% or so) than having to have bypass, but even if i had bypass, he...
I'll def. do cardio rehab. if i have bypass. Been reading about it. You were walking 'straight away', within days that sounds like. Sounds encouraging. Thanks....
Hi ht, thanks. I'm really hoping to get away with stents but it may not be possible with 70% blockage, i really don't know. I'm terrified of bypass surgery, but stents have their own potential...
Oh i should mention that i have high bp but i take Coversyl (perindopril) and when i test at home it's almost always around 125 or lower over 85 or lower, it gets higher sometimes briefly, up to...
Hi, so as above, after putting it off for months for various reasons i went and had a cardiac CT last week and my dr. informed me via email (because i emailed him for the result) that i have CAD. He...