Benito, an Aortic Aneurysm can be tested for. I think one test they do is an ultrasound. Would your doctor arrange this? I think (I am not a medical person) you need an internist who is committed to...
Roni, I am a relative newbie, but I think hyperthyroidism (as your sis-in-law probably has), is more serious than the hypothyroidism you have. I wound up in the ER with heart complications, breathing...
It might be that the pharmacy would call your old doctor's office for a refill authorization. Mine does that when I run out of refills. They do it even with an out of state doctor....
Thanks, Judy. As I recall, perhaps incorrectly, they were looking at Rituxumab for people with really severe eye complications of Graves....
There are some promising results with that in research trials, but it's still experimental. If you google you should be able to find papers, I don't have the links at hand....