My LAD is 10e Cardio % blocked after my stress test and before my angiogram the cardio dr put me on plavix and baby asprin a after a couple weeks i started passing blood and it looks like the colitis...
Thanks Susie I was planing on getting a stent and still hope to, but if i understand it right a steent means i need to be on blood thinners. I am hoping the colitis can some how be managed for that...
i had colitis flareups 25 years ago asacol and rowasa put it in remission so im guessing the IBD variety i wont see the biopsy report for a couple of weeks thanks suzie...
My LAD is 100% clogged. my cardio dr says my LAD must have closed slowly which allowed my body to develop clloateral vessels that have prevented my heart from being damaged. He has recommended a...
Can these two work togetheri After my cardiologist put me on blood thinners i started bleeding. Colonoscopy a couple of day ago says I've colitis Has anyone been through a heart procedure with...