Dear Jox, I just came back from my family practitioner today. I have never suffered from anxiety nor do I feel anxious. I have had PVC's for about 10 yearsand they never bothered me. 2 years ago I...
Dear Jackievar, I have had the jaw pain since September of 2003....I went to my Dr. and they diagnosed me with all kinds of things...sent me to the dentist several times even an endodontist...I...
Dear Sharain, I am glad you are getting some answers. Hopefully the 24 hour monitor will pick up what your heart is doing that is causing you the most problems. And the Dr.'s can respond with the...
Dear Sharain, Thanks for the laugh...I can totally relate. It seems to always happen that way.... Tests...I am so glad your doctors are moving quickly with you, that is wonderful...give your doctor a...
Dear Sharain, You don't know the relief I felt when I read your story as up until that time I just felt like a odd duck. The doctors have been stumped as to why this has happened. It is so...
Thanks for your good wishes. I am now 42. I feel the cause of my fatigue is the PVC's but the medications they use to stop them also cause fatigue. So right now for me the cause of the fatigue is a...
Hi I am sorry you are going through this. I have had PVC's for 10 years but two years ago, fatigue started in then within about 6 months shortness of breath with exertion. Then I started having a lot...