Bella, I have a medtronic loop recorder that is placed just under the skin, that I will wear for an undetermined length of time, to see if they can catch any irregularities that they haven't been...
Swanfleweast, Sorry it has taken me so long to reply back....I've had the flu. In fact, my whole family has been sick with it. It has really zapped me especially after not being really all that long...
It was due to all the symptoms that I was suffering from that he went ahead and diagnosed me with it even though at the time it wasn't showing up on the echoes. The echoes just confirmed his...
Bella, First off, you may have to accept the fact that you may never have your "normal" life back the way you had it when you were 21, but does that mean your life is over??? No!!! When I first was...
Swanfleweast, Sounds like your mom had a really hard time. At least for my mom it didn't really affect her life to a disabling degree until she was in her 50's early 60's. The pain has gotten...
Swanfleweast, My mom was 42 when she had me and I remember when I was starting kindergarten that's about when I remember her first talking about having arthritis, but an official diagnosis of the RA...
Swanfleweast, I was diagnosed first with my heart murmur when I was pregnant with my daughter 17 yrs ago. My obstretrician told me he thought I had a pregnancy induced heart murmur, but obviously...
From what I've researched about this device, the percentages are greater for getting results than with some of the other tests that I've already been through. It was either do this or go through the...
It's basically another way to record episodes but it is placed under the skin and it is not connected directly to the heart. It automatically records(at least on mine) 3 episodes that it detects on...
I've already been to the didn't help me out that much. I did call the doctor to let them know about the pain being more than what I expected it to be....they didn't seem to have an answer...
Can anyone tell me if they have had an ILR put in before and their experience with healing process and then just living with it on a daily basis? I've just had mine put in on Monday and am having...
Hi, I know from experience and lots of research that Fibromyalgia encompasses alot of things. There are alot of other syndromes that can go along with the Fibro. I, myself, first had severe chest...