Im being treated for that for years...
First of all i want to make it clear im not looking for medical guidance.Bit what i am wondering is if anyone here experience chest pain for hours/days got checked and ekg pulse ox a bp were all...
Ok guys so here's what's going on tonight friends...I woke up in a full blown panic and chest pain.... anxiety told me to take my Kardia ekg,pulse ox,bp heart rate all normal but now I can't...
So 2 months ago I went to the er with burning in my chest and throat...diagnosed with gastritis and bleeding ulcers....all my cardiac tests were normal...ekg bloodwork and heart monitor but the last...
So I was in the ER 7 weeks ago and had ekg ecg complete cardiac bloodwork an 48 he holter monitor...everything came back normal. The last day and a half I have had burning in my throat far left side...