well I had my test today. the stuff wasn't too bad. reminded me of just watered down white glue. kinda tases alittle like it smells. and now the wait begins. gonna call the doc towards the end of...
anyone have this test done? I am schedualed for it for next week. doing my research on it. There is a fluid you drink that they xray. I am wondering what this tastes like. I know it probably doesn't...
well i just found out a couple of days ago I also have a torn rotary cuff. this might be causing my heavy chest. will post more once I get more info....
I have only just started 2 months ago so I am working through all of the tests. Done the ER visit for the ekg's. done all of the blood work. trying Prevacid for the first drug and guess we will go...
I am in the same boat as you. My GP thinks it is anxiety/panic. I am not having a burning feeling it just feels tight. makes no difference how much or how little I eat. My GP has my on Prevacid right...
ok if anyone has read my previous post you sorta know what is up. well I first thought I has acid reflux due to the syptoms. went to my doc and he said it was panic/anxiety due to some of my other...
Well, went to the doc yesterday and just more confused the before I went in. He said i didn't have acid reflux. He said he wouldn't argue that the pains in my chest was heartburn but the rest of the...
I am almost certain I have read this before but I can not find the post again. Do some of you guys/gals sometimes get ear aches? both of mine have been bothering me today and just wondering if it is...
Thank you all for your responses. And yes Tammy it is 90 pounds. I am 5 feet 7 inches. and yes I am underweight. Always have been. It is not that I don't eat. I did before all of this. I just hate to...
Is it just this brand of apple cider vinegar or would others work also? I live in Canada and don't think that brand is here. edited to ask: would this also work?...
Hi, I am new here and so glad I have found this forum. I have not been officially diagnosed with acid reflux. It started a week ago. pains in chest, lump in throat, shortness of breath, heavy chest....