Thinking of you and your sister Kitt...
Hi skigirl. GERD means that you have acid going from your stomach up into your esophagitis ('reflux') so there's a chance your gastritis and esophagitis are caused by other irritations, but reflux of...
Christmas! voavpla Hint: A traditional christmas day dessert down here in NZ - and easy to swallow /community/emoticons/turn.gif ...
Hi - pleased to hear that the shoulder pain is subsiding for most of you. The intense sharp pain in the left shoulder is caused by the damage to the phrenic nerve that can sometimes (certainly not...
Thanks Kitt, I will keep my fingers crossed and report back if there's any learnings from it that might help others in the same situation Julie...
Hi Kitt - thanks for the very warm welcome, you obviously put in a lot of time to the forum, much appreciated by everyone I'm sure. Will be dropping in on a regular basis for sure :) Julie...
Hi Mugsy I think your surgery may be today so I am sending you good vibes for a speedy recovery. I didn't have that check first and had no problem with the surgery (although it was open not lap,...
Hi - I just rudely posted my first question without introducing myself first... sorry! I am 35 years old and was born with a hiatal hernia so spent the first few months of life vomiting blood and it...
but the pain is quite severe particularly after a large meal, or lifting that pulls the diaphragm muscle. I am planning to start trying for baby now and am worried about[b] how to manage the pain...