Tiger, I do have some burping from time to time. But, I can't tell if that is from gerd or just from all the gum i chew - you know - the bubles in the stomach. On another topic... today is not so...
I have missed a few posts. Busy busy. So, I looked at what I am taking after getting off of Prilosec. I take probiotics, something called Super Enzymes, and Alpha Lipolic Acid. I only take one set of...
It has been another week and a half and it is getting alot better. I am taking probiotics pills in the morning (the stuff in yogurt but you have to eat about 10 yogurts to get it) along with two...
Hi, to these thread people. I just joined up to this site. I am like katequ but I am 49. I have been on acid reflux medicine for about a year up until two days ago. Thing is, I decided to turn my...