I assume having heart burn everyday would suggest acid reflux?I don't have any chest pains or discomfort when training,could be a good indicator of my hearts functions?but yes!!!!I'm trying so hard...
Hi all I'm a 22 year old male suffering with gerd,my symptoms are chest pains,I also have ibs symptoms every month and recently I noticed when I clear my nose there is blood present(I don't blow...
Hi dimple 101,yes I smoke,and I have congestion with sinus most of the time,I also get migranes and body twitches,chances are I have sleep apnea too,its so difficult to deal with this sickness,keep...
Hi,your post is so hectic,I just like to say you're not alone,I have the exact same symptoms,I had to stop taking ppi's because it was causing maleabsorbtion,and terrible rebound acid attacks,I'm...
Thanks so much!I will,take care!...
Hi lanie,thanks so much for your reply and concern,her blood sugar level was staggering at 16 and she had hypertension,the hypertension,the blood pressure came down to normal now,they did tests on...
Hi all,my mom has been recently diagnosed with diabetes,after a total shocker.her trouble started about a week and a half back when she went to bed feeling dizzy,she is stubborn,so chose to ignore...
Hi,I'm a 22 year old male,I'm from a small town called ladysmith which is located in south africa,I haven't been diagnosed with acid reflux disease,because well let's say the doctors here aren't so...