I had an appt with my doctor today. I had to cancel the first one due to the stomach virus and I completely forgot and missed the second one. It has now been almost a month since my surgery and I am...
what I can't see or feel. There is no pain I am just being cautious. ...
I was not warned to not bend and if bending over would mess up anything, I would be really messed up because I bent over LOTS of times. It hurt and I tried to refrain from doing it. If bending would...
Thank you guys! You have no idea how much this helped me. Now I just have to tell my doctor how bad I have been =). I am sure he will give me an ear full. Joe: As far as the bending over. If I didn't...
Made it through the BBQ. I settled for soft bread with melted cheese instead of the meats. I didn't eat much and waited to drink my apple juice after I was done eating. After drinking the apple juice...
Thanks for the feedback! I will eat slower and wait until I am done eating to sip on liquids. I also can not tell when I am full, which is exceptionally bad for me bc I LOVE food. I am not severly...
Oh.. I forgot to say: Does anyone know how easy it would be for the Nissen Fundo to come undone? I am a nervous person. Does tomatoes, caffiene, and acidy foods hurt the surgery and the healing. I...
. /community/emoticons/shocked.gif I run to the bathroom and just open my mouth over the toilet and everything just comes up. Should drinking make it go down more smooth? I would GREATLY appreciate...